Developing People

Support the People in your Organisation

People make your organisation what it is!

From finding the right person for roles within your structure to looking after your members it is vital to your organisations development to build strong relationships.

Take our free health check to see where we can help!

Take your free health check!

We are here to help!

Glasgow Life - Sport have a team of development officers dedicated to helping community organisations.

Our officers will support your club on a range of topics to help you operate more effectively.

We have included some areas to think of below and would encourage you to complete our free health check and we will be in touch.

Recruiting new volunteers and members is always a challenge. That said, there are some useful contacts and ways your club can recruit new people.

Don't overlook succession planning. Doing so can create issues in the long term. Think about what your club plans to do in this area.

Retaining members is just as important as recruiting them. Focus on making sure your club provides people with an enjoyable experience. With continued training and support, clubs have a better chance of retaining members and volunteers.

Does your club?

  • Actively recruit new volunteers
  • Track volunteer numbers
  • Have succession plans in place for posts within the club

It's important for your organisation to have the right people in the correct roles.

Having simple role profiles allows you to be more organised but also to make sure the right person is in place.

A role profile should have clear training needs that allows you to support the individual and develop them in line with the needs of their role.

Organised administration is vital to the success of your club.

Keeping up-to-date information on your membership will help you communicate clearly with them.

As a club, do you do the following?

  • Track your membership
  • Review attendance at sessions
  • Track club capacity to maximise income

It is important to track members attendance as this will play a role in how they develop whilst active in your sessions.

Structuring membership fees can help you to financially plan your club's activities.

Membership fees are usually the largest source of income for many clubs. Reviewing structures and fees will make sure the club has enough funds to meet running costs.

Does your club:

  • Review membership fees and structures each year?
  • Have a structure for fees that meet the needs of your members?
  • Use any online or electronic sites to help manage fees?

2 girls sparring at Karate

Recruit Volunteers

Do you need more volunteers to help things run more smoothly?

Our online Kinetic system has over 10,000 people registered looking for the opportunity to volunteer.

Add your opportunities or get in touch and we can support you to get a helping hand

Volunteer in sport

Contact Glasgow Life - Sport!

We provide support on all matters of club development. If you're looking for support or more get in touch below.
Glasgow Life - Contact Us
  • Managing Your Money

    Learn how to make activities sustainable, to be ready for the future challenges and apply for funding.

    Person coaching football
  • Finding your Home

    Learn how to find and make the perfect home for your activity.

    Person coaching children
  • Develop and Grow

    Learn how to communicate effectively with members and raise the profile of your organisation.

    Glasgow Life promotion sign