Support for your Organisation

2 people playing Pickleball

Sport clubs and community organisations play an essential role in getting people active.

We realise the challenges you face and our team of experienced officers are on hand to help. Whether you're setting up a new club or are an established organisation, we have great advice and resources to support you.

Ways we can help

  • Get Organised

    Learn how to shape your organisation's culture, future plans, legal structure and processes.

    Children playing football wearing brightly coloured vests
  • Developing People

    Learn how to recruit, keep and develop members, volunteers and coaches.

    Close up of three people playing basketball indoors. The person attacking with the ball is dressed in a blue vest top and shorts and the two defenders in the opposing team are wearing yellow vest tops and shorts. They are trying to stop their opponent advancing with the ball.
  • Managing Your Money

    Learn how to make activities sustainable, to be ready for future challenges and apply for funding.

    A close up of coins and notes in Pound Sterling.
  • Finding your Home

    Learn how to find and make the perfect home for your activity.

    Five young football players from opposing teams. Two wearing light blue strips are attacking the ball. In the background are three players in a red strip. The game is taking place outdoors and the goal net can be seen.
  • Develop and Grow

    Learn how to communicate effectively with members and raise the profile of your organisation.

    A high rise residential building is in the background. In front is a football pitch with young players training. There are hedges around and quite a few footballs on the pitch.
  • Knowing your Community

    Learn how to engage your community to make sure your activities attract new members and volunteers.

    one person is crouched down on a pier beside the water while helping another as they balance and step into a canoe/kayak. They are wearing warm clothes and the one in canoe is wearing a life jacket. It is a bright day. There are oars in the background on the pier.